
co-learn with me 🌱

This co-learning series offers a group space for independent learning and talking about independent learning. Expect activities like:

🔗 All meetings will be held at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88100429074?pwd=QnJpbndreFJaYWNZWklWWHNaZ3Rvdz09


About the series

Independent learning can be empowering, liberating, flexible...and also isolating, overwhelming, and frustrating.

Whether you're doing an online course, deciding which online course to do, researching something, making your own learning plan, working on a new passion project, picking up a new skill, or just curious about what options are out there...this is a space for you to connect with other people who are doing the same thing.

Maybe you have an unsatisfying job and are looking to switch careers. Maybe you have a job that you love, and are learning new skills to complement that. Maybe you're unemployed and figuring out what comes next. Maybe you're an artist, and have an amazing idea for a digital project and are learning skills to bring it to life. Maybe you're a student and panicked about what comes next. Maybe you're just a curious lil fucker with a penchant for constant learning.

Whatever it is, you can connect with other people who are learning here.

Together we can support each other, so that our tender and wobbly bb deer legs grow strong.

Maybe we want...accountability. Maybe we want...networking. Maybe we want...to not be alone.

Let's make that happen for each other!! We deserve to feel good (especially while learning new things) 🌷