
d.e.a.r. weekly reading hour

reading space


4:00-4:50 – silent reading space. please keep your mic off with respect to the folks who are reading <3

when you arrive – turn off your mic. you’re invited to drop the following info into the chat:

you’re invited to contribute titles, links, & pdfs to this collaborative list of anti-racism & transformative justice readings.

discussion space (optional)

4:50-5:00 – exchange a few words about what you read


this group is inspired by a reading space sadada & shawn mcguffey co-hosted on sunday afternoons from april-june. please offer your respect and support to these educators for catalyzing this!

** for folks who benefit from whiteness (or proximity to whiteness), i ask that you utilize this space to read about dismantling white supremacy, practicing transformative justice, and visioning how we can activate what we learn.