
time management that doesn't suck (pt. 2)

This session offers a space for discussion and practice around structuring your life around what matters to you. Expect activities like:

About the series

There's that thing. That thing you want to do that aligns with what you care about. But you seem to never be able to make time for it.

It might be engaging in activism, a creative practice, therapy or healing work, exercising and physical care, learning a language, playing music, drawing, editing a film, learning a new skill, calling someone you love who lives far away, etc.

Whatever it is, it might live in your bucket of "self-love" because it builds your sense of trust, commitment, care, respect, knowledge, and responsibliity. (bell hooks, All About Love)

And for that reason, it might hurt like hell when something prevents you from making time for the thing. It might feel like a blockage or deprivation of self-love or self-esteem if "not having enough time" is a recurring pattern that keeps you from doing the things you want to do.

You don't suck.

But so many resources for learning about time management do. Despite positive intentions, they reproduce logics of oppression by prioritizing productivity and individualism.

Let's try something else.